Saturday, February 2, 2008

Estate Sales

As many of you know, we love to go to estate sales, and for many years this was a good way to add inventory to our antique business. In 2007 we decided to sell our inventory and close the antique business, as well as sell our Omaha house and return to full timing on the road in our motor home. Of course, we decided there was no purpose to continuing to attend the occasional estate sale since we no longer needed any inventory additions.

Two days ago we decided to take a break and go to an estate sale which had been advertised in the local paper. We put in some bids on a few items and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, coming home with a few treasures as well. Bids were up yesterday, so we decided to go back and see if we had won a bid or not.

On the way out of the RV park we noticed a large rig pulling into the main entrance of the park, followed by another rig waiting to pull in as well. We slowed down, as did most of the traffic, as we got near to the remaining rig when it started to pull in front of and across traffic. We managed to stop, and one car behind us slowed to a stop on our right. However, a Tracker vehicle speeded around us on the left, heading straight for the turning rig. He managed to careen to the left of the rig, went straight into the oncoming traffic, then managed to weave back in and around the rig. Believe me, our hearts were in our throats, and we were sure there was a terrible accident happening in front of our eyes. Somehow, the Tracker vehicle managed not to turn over as it wove through all the traffic and escaped, continuing down the road at a high speed. We wondered whether the person driving the turning rig knew what a mess he nearly caused by pulling out in front of oncoming traffic.

Still in a bit of a tizzy, we managed to return to the estate sale to learn that we had been outbid and so returned empty-handed. That was enough excitement for this day for sure. We decided that happy hour was in order, since it must be five o'clock somewhere. Maybe we should not go to estate sales. Who knows, but I hear there is a good one next weekend. We will keep you posted.

PS: Our bird feeder is up again, and the purple or raspberry finch was very pretty.

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