Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Needles and Resultant Words

HW2 is a brave person!!!!! Today we went to see an orthopedic doctor to have him look at her wrist, which has been hurting ever since our bike collision. She had it x-rayed while we were in Ann Arbor and they could find no evidence of a break. This Dr. thinks that there is a likely a tear in the cartiledge covering one of the wrist bones and attaching to the other. He decided to give her an injection of steriods to help with the swelling, and we come back in a week to see if that fixes the wrist. When he put the needle in the joint area, you could tell that it hurt HW2 very much and except for several ow's, no swearing mind you, although apparently it is allowed, she suffered through it. Now for the rest of today, it is a regimen of rest and ice. Since HW2 is actually following this advice, you know it hurts. I believe if it had been me receiving the treatment, that the swearing might just have occurred.

We did discuss what our favorite swear word might be on the way home. HW2 favors sh-t and I think I follow my young grandson's thoughts. Jonny commented that the word he had heard in The Christmas Story movie probably was not fudge but likely a much worse word. I am in his camp!!!!

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