Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Defensive driving class II

On Tuesday we took the class and learned good things like how to avoid road rage, make a left turn, and what happens to us as we age, relative to our driving abilities. Vivian provided lunch, and we ended with a certificate that should allow us to get a discount on our insurance costs. Any saving is appreciated these days.

In between times at break periods, I took off for home to give Max a break from his crate and to get him outside for a walk. He has begun to get the idea of walking while on a leash but much needs to be learned still. This morning he was more interested in biting my pants than walking, but we keep up the walking lesson.

This afternoon I revisit the opthamologist and expect that I will get a good bill of health, as no further complications have set in other than an early onset of cataracts. They should take years to ripen, and then I can get them operated on.

The weather has been getting warm here in the daytime, and we are enjoying our lovely weather. We have not had much rain, and it is so very dry, Yesterday there was a large fire on a hillside nearby, but I do not think it set any homes on fire. We could have a serious fire danger here this spring if we do not get any rain. Our trees are budding out, and it is nice to see spring return. Happy travels.

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