Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Dance tonight

We are going to a Valentine's dinner and dance tonight here at the park. It was in doubt for awhile, but some of the town folks decided to come, and all of the tickets were finally sold. There will be about 150 of us. The menu includes chicken cordon blue, potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls, and cake. Then we get to listen to and occasionally dance to a live country western band. I sure wish I had learned the two step or how to do line dances. HW2 had better look out for her feet. We are meeting friends who were work campers here last year and just delightful. Beer and wine is provided and included in the ticket cost. Imagine all of this for a $12.50 per ticket cost.

HW2 has been shopping for appropriate clothes to wear and finally found some things online at Penney's. I went to the cowboy store and will be in black. Johnny Cash, move or roll over! Hardly, since I can barely sing or carry a tune any more. Now should I wear the cowboy boots with high heels or the shorter heels? It will be a fun evening for all who attend. HW2 helped decorate and helped get some of the food ready. We go early so that the other worker bees can get home and cleaned up and dressed for the event. We went to this same event last year and had a ball. Happy travels.

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